Posts tagged "inspiration"


LIBRA: I would love you to cultivate connections with characters who can give you shimmery secrets and scintillating stories you need to hear. In my astrological opinion, you are in a phase when you require more fascination, amazement, and intrigue than usual. If love and sex are included in the exchange, so much the better—but they are not mandatory elements in your assignment. The main thing is this: For the sake of your mental, physical, and spiritual health, you must get your limitations dissolved, your understanding of reality enriched, and your vision of the future expanded.

vitality : the peculiarity distinguishing the living from the nonliving

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Dauntlessness No. 9

Compelling enthusiasm

This is even more evident when it comes to supporting the other person to regain their energy and will to live, to transform and believe more in themselves. With a visceral desire for harmony and beauty, she manages to communicate that achieving a state of integration is possible. This stems from her own need, but also from a deep insight that healing (not perfection!) is a possible reality. Finally, she knows how to convey the idea that everyone has value, precisely because it is a need that she has always felt.

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Es winkt zu Fühlung

I take care of myself, and in me is roof and wall.
I protect myself, and in me is hearth and fold.
~Rainer Maria Rilke

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It is too loose, too informal, the construction patterns which control its detailed shape are not harmonious enough, not disciplined enough …

Yet still, this building has just the beginning of a spirit, a hint of a touching quality, which is at least a few steps down the road.

~Christopher Alexander, The Timeless Way of Building

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“You’ve got to write again,” he said.
“Just as daisies bloom as daisies
and roses bloom as roses—
you must bloom as a writer
and I must bloom as a painter.
Everything else about us is uninteresting.”
~Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night.

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