Posts in "Quotes" Category — Page 8


Methinks my body is but the lees of my better being.
In fact take my body who will, take it I say, it is not me.
~Herman Melville, Moby Dick

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And I never thought, or even hoped for,
anything but the worst.
~Alice Munro, Dance of the Happy Shades

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Last Words

Some accuse me of morbidity, their assertion supported by a scaffold of dark twigs; my fondness for cemeteries and storms, my ubiquitous clothing choice in the color without color, my reliance upon heavy literature, my collection of dying words. I wish that I might lend them my lens, an owl bestowing her nighttime sight to the worshippers of the sun, that they might see beyond the limits of labels to the radiant core of all—Beauty.

Who is it? Who is it?
~Billy the Kid

Does nobody understand?
~James Joyce

The sadness will last forever.
~Vincent van Gogh

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The Scream

From the moment of my birth,
the angels of anxiety, worry,
and death stood at my side…
And I would often wake up at night
and stare widely into the room:
“Am I in Hell?”
~Edvard Munch

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