Posts in "Quotes" Category — Page 7


You are a mess, and you know it.
But you hide it beautifully.
~Henepola GunaratanaMindfulness in Plain English

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The role of the artist is exactly
the same as the role of the lover.
If I love you, I have to make you conscious
of the things you don’t see.
~ James Baldwin

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I only know that I will never again trust my life,
my future, to the whims of men, in companies or out.
Never again will their judgment have anything to do
with what I think I can do.
~Toni Morrison, Paris Review Interview

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The Love of Practice

Think of writing practice as loving arms
you come to illogically and incoherently.
~Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones

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 What difference do it make
if the thing you scared of is real or not?
~Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon

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