Compelling Enthusiasm

The reason most people find healing so hard is that they’ve had so little help, so little guidance, and so little information. Emotional recovery can be, and should be, a joyous journey. People who get the right pieces in place find that:

  • healing moves fast.
  • some gains are immediate, with many more to follow.
  • the pleasure greatly outweighs the pain.
  • the parts that do involve hard work are so rewarding that the underlying feeling remains, “I can totally do this.”
  • healing is not a solitary undertaking, and it leads rapidly to greater and greater connection …

If you’re still alive, there’s still time. You can gain back a vibrant, connected, satisfying life. Pain, anxiety, and isolation do not need to dominate.

— The Joyous Recovery, Lundy Bancroft

Manet, E. (1880). A garden nook at Bellevue. [Oil on canvas]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons.

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